Halim Flowers & Warner Brothers Collaboration

In honor of Warner Brothers’ 100th year in production, they have brought together a new generation of visual story tellers from around the world to reimagine the stories and characters that have inspired them, and to celebrate their legacy, through art. Warner Brothers has chosen DTR artist, Halim Flowers, to share his own story on their platform while teaming up with others to create a clothing line, WB 100, representing Warner Brother’s history.

Halim Flowers believes in the power of story telling through art. With help from his partnership with DTR Modern Galleries, he is able to make art that is shared with communities around the world, portraying his experiences and emotions of his personal story.

“My mission is to love everyone unconditionally all of the time. I use photography, painting, poetry, and spoken word to further my love revolution. Through my love revolution, my purpose is to live the love that I want to see in the world, to inspire others to love radically beyond the superficial barriers that serve to separate us from seeing how we are all connected to eachother” (Halim Flowers). This collaboration with Warner Brothers further spreads Flowers’ mission for a love revolution, with the help of art, design and story telling.

Click here to read the full article.


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